Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an ad?

Posting ads to adwento is quick, easy and free. Just click the “Post free ad” button at the top-right corner of the page and then follow the subsequent instructions.

What does it cost to advertise?

The publication is 100% free. This applies both to private and commercial ads. However, there are a few selected categories that require Premium Features to active your ad.

Can I use HTML tags or URLs in my ads?

adwento allows HTML (limited) and clickable URLs in ads; however, if your ad only consists of links it will not be accepted.

If I post an listing, will I also get more spam e-mails?

Absolutely not because your email address is not visible on the website.

Can I post an ad in multiple locations?

adwento is designed for local trading. Please post your ad in your own city or the closest city in the area. Keep in mind that it is not possible to change the location of your posted ad.

Why have I not received a confirmation email?

If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder. If the email isn’t there, please contact us via our Contact form

What can I do if the Captcha code doesn’t work?

If the Captcha code doesn’t work, please check that all cookies are ensured and JavaScript is on your browser. If JavaScript isn’t installed, you can download it for free at www.java.com.

Why are Premium Features mandatory in some areas?

While posting an ad on adwento is free, due to abusive ad posting by professional spammers and agencies, some areas recently changed to Premium Features only. This means that you need to purchase at least one Premium Feature to activate your ad.

How long will my listing remain on the website?

In general, an listing is automatically deactivated from the website after 1 months. You will receive an email a week before D-Day and another on the day of deactivation. You have the ability to put them online in the following month by logging into your account on the site. After this delay, your listing will be automatically removed permanently from the website.

I sold my item. How do I delete my ad?

Once your product is sold or leased, log in to your account to remove your listing.


Ad images removed by Adwento

Your image may have been removed because it does not adhere to one or more of the following guidelines:

- Your image does not comply with the rules set out in our Prohibited Content Policy

- The image should be in .png, .gif or .jpeg format and should not exceed 20MB per file

If you feel your removed image complies with all guidelines, please send us the image via our contact form and we will review its suitability.



Ad removed by Adwento

There are several reasons why an ad could be removed from Adwento:

  • Your ad violates our Prohibited Content Policy
  • The ad was posted in multiple cities
  • The ad was posted more than once
  • The ad has expired and was not renewed


Reporting an ad that is using my phone number

If your phone number is on Adwento without your consent, please contact us directly through the contact form. The fraudulent ad will be removed immediately if you provide us with the following information:

1. The ad ID shown under the title of the ad. Enter the ID or the link to the ad into the relevant field below.

2. Proof of ownership of the phone number. For example, a scanned copy of a phone bill or phone contract.



Reporting an ad or an advertiser

We work hard to keep our Adwento community safe and we appreciate any help from our users.

If you discover an ad that does not adhere to our Terms of Use, please report it via the “Flag” button on the right side of the title.

If you believe you have come into contact with someone that shows fraudulent behavior, you can report them via our Contact form. Please include the Ad ID (it is a 5 to 10 digit number found below the title) in your message, so that we can take immediate action.


Adwento role in transactions between buyers & sellers

Adwento is a local platform for classifieds. All transactions and details are completed between the two parties. At no time does Adwento get involved in these details or the transaction itself. We do not offer verification of the advertiser. If you have any questions about an offer or any problems with a transaction, please contact the other party directly.

If you think you have been defrauded, contact your local police.



Law enforcement requests

If you are an official law enforcement officer, department or government official seeking assistance with a data request, please submit your request to us using the contact form.


Please ensure that you are contacting us from an official police or government-issued email domain. This is a dedicated service for law enforcement. Enquiries from personal emails such as Gmail will not be processed.






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